
Camp Chef Outdoor Oven Review

Camp Chef Outdoor Oven Review


Reviewed by , Editor,

The Camp Chef Outdoor Oven is a revolutionary piece of equipment that will make camping and backyard BBQs even more enjoyable! The oven is super easy to use and requires just a small container of propane to get fired up. A stovetop on top of the oven allows you to bake and fry food all at the same time. 

 I was impressed with how easy the oven is to use right out of the box. There is literally no assembly required and could not have been happier about it! The size is perfect; not too large that its difficult to take camping, but not too small to be impractical. It is also shockingly light to carry. 

The oven is simple to operate and it heats up to 400 degrees. This is hot enough to bake all your favorites! Some new ideas I will be bringing to the campground include biscuit recipes and, of course, casseroles the whole group can enjoy. 

This outdoor oven is a gamechanger for any camper. With a stovetop also included on top of the oven, it really is a versatile piece of equipment to own. 


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